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$result = mysql_pconnect("localhost", "mertikas", "ibiza1"); if (!$result) {echo"sdfsdf"; return false;} if (!mysql_select_db("mertikas_gr")) {echo"sdfsdf"; return false;} $routein = mysql_query("select * from routeout ORDER BY ordera"); $routeout = mysql_query("select * from routeout ORDER BY ordera"); $accommodationout = mysql_query("select * from accommodation ORDER BY ordera"); $vehicleout = mysql_query("select * from vehicle ORDER BY ordera"); $accommodationin = mysql_query("select * from accommodation ORDER BY ordera"); $vehiclein = mysql_query("select * from vehicle ORDER BY ordera"); $plate=trim($plate); $send=1; $currentsubmitted = $submitted; if(($submitted=='1')&&($oldpassenger==$passengersno)){ echo ""; if ($route=='-------------- From - To --------------') { echo "You have not selected a route - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($day=='Day') { echo "You have not selected a day - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($month=='Month') { echo "You have not selected a month - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($year=='Year') { echo "You have not selected a year - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($accommodation=='-------- Choose Category ---------') { echo "You have not selected accommodation - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($vehicle!='--------------------------- Choose Type ----------------------------' && empty($plate)) { echo "You have not selected a licence plate - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } switch ($month) { case "January": $ex_month=1; break; case "February": $ex_month=2; break; case "March": $ex_month=3; break; case "April": $ex_month=4; break; case "May": $ex_month=5; break; case "June": $ex_month=6; break; case "July": $ex_month=7; break; case "August": $ex_month=8; break; case "September": $ex_month=9; break; case "October": $ex_month=10; break; case "November": $ex_month=11; break; case "December": $ex_month=12; break; } if(!checkdate ($ex_month,$day,$year)) { echo "You have not selected a valid date - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if($return=='checkbox'){//start b if ($routeb=='-------------- From - To --------------') { echo "You have not selected a return route - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($dayb=='Day') { echo "You have not selected a day for your return - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($monthb=='Month') { echo "You have not selected a month for your return - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($yearb=='Year') { echo "You have not selected a year for your return - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($accommodationb=='-------- Choose Category ---------') { echo "You have not selected accommodation for your return - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if ($vehicleb!='--------------------------- Choose Type ----------------------------' && empty($plateb)) { echo "You have not selected a licence plate for your return - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } switch ($monthb) { case "January": $ex_monthb=1; break; case "February": $ex_monthb=2; break; case "March": $ex_monthb=3; break; case "April": $ex_monthb=4; break; case "May": $ex_monthb=5; break; case "June": $ex_monthb=6; break; case "July": $ex_monthb=7; break; case "August": $ex_monthb=8; break; case "September": $ex_monthb=9; break; case "October": $ex_monthb=10; break; case "November": $ex_monthb=11; break; case "December": $ex_monthb=12; break; } if(!checkdate ($ex_monthb,$dayb,$yearb)) { echo "You have not selected a valid date for your return - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } }//end b for($j=0;$j<$passengersno;$j++) if (empty($name[$j])) { $j= $j + 1; echo "You have not entered a name for passenger number $j - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; $j= $j - 1; } for($j=0;$j<$passengersno;$j++) if (empty($surname[$j])) { $j= $j + 1; echo "You have not entered a surname for passenger number $j - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; $j= $j - 1; } for($j=0;$j<$passengersno;$j++) if (empty($nationality[$j])) { $j= $j + 1; echo "You have not entered a nationality for passenger number $j - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; $j= $j - 1; } for($j=0;$j<$passengersno;$j++) if ($birthdatemonth[$j]=='Month') { $j= $j + 1; echo "You have not selected the birth month for passenger number $j - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; $j= $j - 1; } for($j=0;$j<$passengersno;$j++) if ($birthdateyear[$j]=='Year') { $j= $j + 1; echo "You have not selected the birth year for passenger number $j - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; $j= $j - 1; } for($j=0;$j<$passengersno;$j++) if (empty($passport[$j])) { $j= $j + 1; echo "You have not entered a passport number for passenger number $j - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; $j= $j - 1; } if (empty($contactname)) { echo "You have not entered a contact name - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if (empty($contactsurname)) { echo "You have not entered a contact surname - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if (empty($contactemail)) { echo "You have not entered a contact email - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } else if (!ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+$", $contactemail)) { echo "You have not entered a valid email address- please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } if (empty($contacttelephone)) { echo "You have not entered a contact telephone - please try again. "; $send=0; $submitted=0; } echo ""; if($send==1){ if ($vehicle=='--------------------------- Choose Type ----------------------------') $vehicle='-'; if (empty($plate)) $plate='-'; for($i=0;$i<$passengersno;$i++){ $customerdata=$customerdata . 'Passenger no ' . ($i+1) . ': ' . $name[$i] . ', ' . $surname[$i] . ', ' . $nationality[$i] . ', ' . $sex[$i] . ', ' . $birthdatemonth[$i] . ', ' . $birthdateyear[$i] . ', ' . $passport[$i] . " \r\n"; $customerdata2=$customerdata2 . 'Passenger no ' . ($i+1) . ': ' . $name[$i] . ', ' . $surname[$i] . ', ' . $nationality[$i] . ', ' . $sex[$i] . ', ' . $birthdatemonth[$i] . ', ' . $birthdateyear[$i] . ', ' . $passport[$i] . " "; } if($banktransfer=='checkbox') $banktransfer = 'Yes'; else $banktransfer = 'No'; if($return=='checkbox') $return = 'Yes'; else $return = 'No'; echo"Thank you. An email has been sent to your contact email address. A member of our staff will contact you shortly. You have submitted the following request: One way - Outbound: Route: $route Date: $day-$month-$year Accommodation Category: $accommodation Vehicle Type: $vehicle Camping on Board: $camping Licence Plate: $plate Return - Inbound: $return Route: $routeb Date: $dayb-$monthb-$yearb Accommodation Category: $accommodationb Vehicle Type: $vehicleb Camping on Board: $campingb Licence Plate: $plateb $customerdata2 Contact Details: Name: $contactname Surname: $contactsurname Email: $contactemail Telephone: $contacttelephone Fax: $contactfax Comments: \r $contactcomments Payment Details: Card Type: $cardtype Credit card holder: $cardholder Issue date: $issuemonth-$issueyear Expire Date: $expiremonth-$expireyear Card Number: $cardnumber CVV2: $cvv2 Bank transfer prefered: $banktransfer "; mail("reservations@mertikas.gr", "New order from $contactname $contactsurname", "Hello Vasilis, \r there is a new order waiting. \r\n One way - Outbound:\r Route: $route \r Date: $day-$month-$year \r Accommodation Category: $accommodation \r Vehicle Type: $vehicle \r Camping on Board: $camping \r Licence Plate: $plate \r Return - Inbound: $return \r Route: $routeb \r Date: $dayb-$monthb-$yearb \r Accommodation Category: $accommodationb \r Vehicle Type: $vehicleb \r Camping on Board: $campingb \r Licence Plate: $plateb \r\n Passenger: Name, Surname, Nationality, Sex, Birth Month, Birth Year, Passport: \r $customerdata Contact Details:\r Name: $contactname \r Surname: $contactsurname \r Email: $contactemail \r Telephone: $contacttelephone \r Fax: $contactfax \r Comments: \r $contactcomments \r Payment Details:\r Card Type: $cardtype \r Credit card holder: $cardholder \r Issue date: $issuemonth-$issueyear \r Expire Date: $expiremonth-$expireyear \r Card Number: $cardnumber \r CVV2: $cvv2 \r Bank transfer prefered: $banktransfer \r Thank you.", "From: reservations@mertikas.gr \r\n"); mail("$contactemail", "New order submitted at mertikas.gr", "Hello $contactname $contactsurname, \r You have submitted the following order: \r\n One way - Outbound:\r Route: $route \r Date: $day-$month-$year \r Accommodation Category: $accommodation \r Vehicle Type: $vehicle \r Camping on Board: $camping \r Licence Plate: $plate \r Return - Inbound: $return \r Route: $routeb \r Date: $dayb-$monthb-$yearb \r Accommodation Category: $accommodationb \r Vehicle Type: $vehicleb \r Camping on Board: $campingb \r Licence Plate: $plateb \r\n Passenger: Name, Surname, Nationality, Sex, Birth Month, Birth Year, Passport: \r $customerdata Contact Details:\r Name: $contactname \r Surname: $contactsurname \r Email: $contactemail \r Telephone: $contacttelephone \r Fax: $contactfax \r Comments: \r $contactcomments \r Payment Details:\r Card Type: $cardtype \r Credit card holder: $cardholder \r Issue date: $issuemonth-$issueyear \r Expire Date: $expiremonth-$expireyear \r Card Number: $cardnumber \r CVV2: $cvv2 \r Bank transfer prefered: $banktransfer \r\n A member of our staff will contact you shortly. \r\n Thank you.", "From: reservations@mertikas.gr \r\n"); } } else{ $send=0; $submitted=0; } ?> if($submitted==0){ ?> }?> |
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